Speeding in the Parish

Many parishioners have concerns over the speed at which vehicles travel through our villages.

EPC is aware of parishioners concerns and would like to share information about what it is doing to help combat this and what parishioners can do to support EPC and the Parish.

Once a concern has been raised about speeding various things come into play. The escalation procedure is:

  • Install a Movable Vehicle Activated Sign (MVAS – flashing 30) or a Speed Indicating Device (SID – smiley face indicator)
  • Speedwatch
  • Police Camera Van
  • Re-engineer the road to reduce speed.

A reminder to those that speed. Please do not ignore the MVAS/SID, and/ or Speedwatch camera and/or the Police Camera Van.

They are there for a reason.

SID (Speed Indicating Device)

There are two SID devices in the Parish. One in Northall on the Leighton Road as drivers enter the 30mph section of the Leighton Road. The second is located on the Dunstable Road in Dagnall.

The purpose of SID is to educate drivers about the speed limit of the road they are driving on.

MVAS (Movable Vehicle Activated Speed devices)                    

This is primarily an educational tool. Apart from advising you of either the speed limit or the speed that you are travelling at, the devices are counting vehicles, their speed, etc. and the statistics can be used by the police to instigate the use of the camera van. No actual data is captured of vehicle registration numbers, etc.

EPC has three MVAS devices that can be used at thirteen approved locations across Edlesborough, Dagnall and Northall.

Image of MVAS Device

The locations are:


  • High Street, near Tythe Barn
  • High Street, near the junction with Cow Lane
  • Moor End, near the junction with Eatongate Close
  • Leighton Road, near the entrance to Sparrow Hall Farm.


  • Studham Lane
  • Dunstable Road
  • Main Road North, near the village sign
  • Main Road South, near Munns Farm Shop
  • Main Road South, as drivers enter the village.


  • South End Lane
  • Eaton Bray Road
  • Leighton Road as drivers enter the village from Edlesborough
  • Leighton Road, near Knolls View
  • Leighton Road, near Jack O’Walls.

A summary of the key statistics recorded by the MVAS units at the various locations are listed at the end of this article.

Fixed speed cameras

These record the speed at which your car passes them at a particular spot.

There is one Gatso Fixed Speed Camera located on the B440 near the junction with the High Street, Edlesborough.

The Gatso camera is rear facing so that the flash doesn't dazzle drivers. The flash lights up the car and registration plate as well as white lines painted on the road in front of the camera.

The camera takes 2 photos in quick succession. The camera compares the car's position on the white lines in the 2 photos to work out the speed by the distance covered.


Speedwatch is another educational tool and is used as a means of collecting more data about the speeds of vehicles on the road. Video clips of speeding vehicles are processed and passed to the police for further action. This is usually in the form of a letter, but under certain circumstances vehicles can be added to a Roads Policing watchlist. As this is also actual evidence, any vehicle found by the police to have been on the road without tax, MOT or insurance will be dealt with accordingly.

Speedwatch is not about reporting speeders to the police, it is about making our roads safer for our residents and educating drivers. The ideal day for the Speedwatch team is when they catch not a single speeding vehicle.

Speedwatch Volunteers Needed

Do you have an odd hour to spare in the week at a time to suit you?

If so, please consider volunteering your time and join EDaN Speedwatch.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Cllr Alan Williams via [email protected]

Council needs at least sic volunteers to relaunch Speedwatch 

Police Camera Van

If deployed, any vehicle caught speeding is liable to a fine and points on their licence or where appropriate offered a Speed Awareness Course. Under some circumstances it may mean a visit to the Magistrates Court.

Buckinghamshire Council Information about Speeding

Buckinghamshire Council is the Highways Authority and more information about speeding can be found by following this link https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-transport/road-safety/managing-speed/dealing-with-speeding/ This includes information about Enforcement and the Thames Valley Police 'Community Concern' scheme where requests from the public about speeding are considered for enforcement. For more information, email the Speed Solutions Team.

Here is a link to information on the Buckinghamshire Council website about changing speed limits.


Reporting Speeding to Thames Valley Police

If parishioners witness speeding offences, they can be reported to Thames Valley Police (TVP). TVP will ask for the following information: dates, times, description of the vehicle and the number plate if you can safely record this.

The more reports TVP receive the more likely they are to increase police presence in the area.

Reports can be made by calling 101 or online via https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/ro/report/rti/rti-beta-2.1/report-a-road-traffic-incident/



Information about the inclusion of the B489 in The Ivinghoe Freight Zone.

Ivinghoe Freight - Proposed ETRO