Below is a summary of the applications received for the parish during 2012.
To find out more about the application including all of the documents that AVDC have published, please click the application number and then click the Search button on the Aylesbury Vale Area page.
Application No. / Date | Address | Application | Parish Council Comments | AVDC Decision |
19 Nov 2012 |
Pinfield, Leighton Road
Northall |
Erection of garage with store | No Objections | Approved |
19 Nov 2012 |
20 Good Intent
Edlesborough |
Single storey rear extension, erection of monopitched roof to garage to create first floor accommodation | No Objections | Approved |
13 Nov 2012 |
15 Eatongate Close
Edlesborough |
Two storey rear and first floor side extension | No Objections | Approved |
7 Nov 2012 |
Plot 7 Beacon View
South End Lane Northall |
Erection of one new detached dwelling with attached garage | No Objections | Approved |
6 Nov 2012 |
Land Rear to The Bell Ph
Church End Edlesborough |
Demolition and repair of part of listed wall to create access to serve the two new dwellings (Revised scheme 10/02219/ALB) | No Objections | Approved |
6 Nov 2012 |
Land at rear of The Bell PH
Church End Edesborough |
Erection of two semi-detached dwellings and creation of access through boundary wall to serve the two new dwellings (Revised scheme 10/02218/APP) | No Objections | Approved |
29 Oct 2012 |
121 High Street
Edlesborough |
Two storey side extension and single storey attached garage to side | No Objections | Approved |
26 Oct 2012 |
The Bell Ph Church End
Edlesborough |
Single storey rear extension and front boundary enclosure with wall/railings | No Objections | Approved |
8 Oct 2012 |
Land at Chapel Lane
Northall |
Erection of four detached dwellings with vehicular access to Kircutt Farm Close | OPPOSE | REFUSED |
8 Oct 2012 |
Threeways, Leighton Road
Northall |
Demolition of existing two cottages and replacement with three detached dwellings and two semi-detached new dwellings with associated detached garages and new vehicular access | No Objections | |
24 Aug 2012 |
13 St Mary's Glebe
Edlesborough |
Erection of Conservatory | No Objections | Approved |
24 Aug 2012 |
Land adjacent to Little Orchard
Chapel Lane Northall |
Erection of detached dwelling and removal of outbuilding and shed | OPPOSE | REFUSED |
23 Aug 2012 |
The Bell Ph Church End
Edlesborough |
Demolition of single storey rear extension and replacement with a new single storey rear extension; internal alteration and external alterations and addition of a new front boundary treatment | No Objections | Approved |
22 Aug 2012 |
11 Jacksons Close
Edlesborough |
Single storey rear extension | No Objections | Approved |
3 Aug 2012 |
Land fronting Hall Farm
Ringshall Road Dagnall |
Replacement of 1no. Existing equipment cabinet with 1no. upgraded cabinet, along with the addition of 1no. new equipment cabinet and 1no. Link/AC cabinet |
No Objections but recommendation that the new cabinets should be located as close to the existing BT cabinet as possible to minimise the visual impact |
18 Jul 2012 |
4 Dagnall Road
Edlesborough |
Single detached garage: hardstanding and new access | No Objections | Approved |
10 Jul 2012 |
20 Pebblemoor
Edlesborough |
Erection of single storey outbuilding (retrospective) | OPPOSE | REFUSED |
4 Jul 2012 |
Chasselas, South End Lane
Northall |
Demolition of part of existing bungalow and garage. Erection of two storey extension and conversion of existing loft space | No Objections | Approved |
4 Jul 2012 |
Chasselas, South End Lane
Northall |
Demolition of existing bungalow and garage. Replacement with a new two storey dwelling | No Objections | |
27 Jun 2012 |
Land adjacent to 4 Slicketts Lane
Edlesborough |
Erection of end of terrace dwelling with vehicular access and shed |
OPPOSE on the basis that it fails to address the failings of the earlier application as identified by the Development Control Committee |
Withdrawn |
27 Jun 2012 |
4 Slicketts Lane
Edlesborough |
First floor rear extension |
OPPOSE unless the planning officers can assure the Council that the amenity of the occupiers of No. 3 Slicketts Lane would not be adversely affected by the proposal |
Withdrawn |
21 Jun 2012 |
18 South End Lane
Northall |
Side conservatory and covered verandah | No Objections | Approved |
19 Jun 2012 |
Coracles, Studham Lane
Dagnall |
Demolition of existing rear dormers and replacement dormer window | No Objections | Approved |
14 Jun 2012 |
Land fronting A4146 Main Road North
Dagnall |
Erection of single below ground dwelling and detached ancillary building with access |
The view of the Parish Council is that it is not sufficiently qualified to decide whether or not the scheme is sufficiently innovative to warrant being an exception to the usual presumption that residential development in the green belt should not be allowed. It is therefore prepared to leave that decision to the Local Planning Authority but with the following provisoes if the officers are minded to approve the application. 1. That the site must retain its current green belt designation and not be downgraded as a consequence of this development being permitted. 2. That permitted development rights are removed to avoid any subsequent above ground construction of ancillary structures such as garages, summer houses, sheds etc. 3. That the plans are modified to identify a vehicle turning area to ensure that vehicles can enter and leave the site in a forward gear. There is clearly adequate space to enable this to be achieved so it should not be a problem, but it needs to be identified to ensure that it is incorporated in the final implementation of the scheme. |
6 Jun 2012 |
Land adjoining 3 & 4 Leighton Road
Northall |
Erection of two storey detached dwelling with associated garaging | No Objections | Approved |
24 May 2012 |
5 Dagnall Road
Edlesborough |
Single storey front extension | OPPOSE | REFUSED |
23 May 2012 |
Southend Farmhouse
South End Lane Northall |
Demolition of existing attached garage and utility and erection of two storey side extension and replacement one chimney | No Objections | Approved |
3 May 2012 |
Pine Lodge,
2 Pine Road Edlesborough |
Single storey side extension comprising of garage conversion into living accommodation | No Objections | Approved |
23 Apr 2012 |
1 Good Intent
Edlesborough |
Replacement and alterations to windows on side and rear elevations | No Objections | Approved |
5 Apr 2012 |
The Golden Rule Ph
Main Road South Dagnall |
Change of use from Public House and flat to two dwellings and first floor rear extension |
Parish Council recommend that it requests AVDC to insist on the provision of additional off-street parking provision, in excess of the minimum, because of the close proximity of the A4146 making on-street parking in the immediate vicinity of the dwellings extremely hazardous. |
Approved |
2 Apr 2012 |
Willow Farm
Tring Road Edlesborough |
Continued for use of barn as dwelling | No Objections | Approved |
27 Mar 2012 |
9 Heather Mead
Edlesborough |
Single storey front extension | No Objections | Approved |
15 Mar 2012 |
5 Knolls View
Leighton Road Northall |
Part two storey, part single storey rear extension and additional parking bay | No Objections | Approved |
15 Mar 2012 |
Tall Trees Church End
Edlesborough |
Single storey front extension | No Objections | Approved |
13 Mar 2012 |
Peppimoor, Leighton Road
Northal |
Erection of front porch, conversion of existing garage and erection of detached garage | No Objections | Approved |
21 Feb 2012 |
Wildfire, Leighton Road
Northall |
Single storey front extension | No Objections | Approved |
20 Feb 2012 |
8 Heather Mead
Edlesborough |
Single storey front extension | No Objections | Approved |
17 Feb 2012 |
24 Deans Meadow
Dagnall |
Replace flat roof of garage at front and side with pitched roof, single storey rear extension | No Objections | Approved |
9 Feb 2012 |
The Bell Ph Church End
Edlesborough |
Change of use of restaurant to single dwelling (C3) and alterations to listed building (Resubmission ref 11/01708/ALB) |
OPPOSE The Parish Council remains strongly opposed to this application on the grounds that it represents the loss of the last public house within the village of Edlesborough. The issue is clearly whether or not the various actions taken by the Applicant to remove the pub from the protection normally afforded by GP32 and PPS4 are legally valid. The Council requests that in addition to the advice already received from AVDC Legal Department the planning officers seek confirmation (or otherwise) of that interpretation from DCLG or Planning Inspectorate as appropriate and to be considered alongside the previous advice when reviewed by the Development Control Committee |
Approved |
9 Feb 2012 |
The Bell Ph Church End
Edlesborough |
Change of use of restaurant to single dwelling (C3), alterations to listed building and demolition of single storey extensions (resubmission ref 11/01707/APP) |
OPPOSE The Parish Council remains strongly opposed to this application on the grounds that it represents the loss of the last public house within the village of Edlesborough. The issue is clearly whether or not the various actions taken by the Applicant to remove the pub from the protection normally afforded by GP32 and PPS4 are legally valid. The Council requests that in addition to the advice already received from AVDC Legal Department the planning officers seek confirmation (or otherwise) of that interpretation from DCLG or Planning Inspectorate as appropriate and to be considered alongside the previous advice when reviewed by the Development Control Committee |
Approved |
16 Jan 2012 |
37 Cooks Meadow
Edlesborough |
Proposed Rear dormer | No Objections | Approved |