This article was published in October 2016. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Thames Valley Police Report

PCSO Jackie Dodson attended the September EPC meeting and reported the following information:

  • One theft of a vehicle in Edlesborough.
  • One theft of a motorbike in Dagnall.
  • One domestic dwelling burglary in Edlesborough.
  • One incident of anti-social behaviour in Edlesborough.
  • One Road Traffic Collision in Northall.

New Defibrillators

EPC can now confirm that thanks to donations from St Mary’s Village Carnival Committee and the Burghope Trust two new defibrillators have been installed in the Parish. This means that each village now has a defibrillator.

These are located at Edlesborough Memorial Hall in Edlesborough, The Red Lion PH in Dagnall and The Swan PH in Northall.

To access the unit please phone 999. You will be given the access code and the location of the box will be confirmed. The defibrillator is easy and safe to use.


If you notice a failed streetlight in Edlesborough, Dagnall and Northall please report this to the Clerk for repair. We are currently working hard to ensure all 143 streetlights are labelled with reporting information.

When making a report please ensure you are a specific as possible about the location.

Edlesborough Green Roundabout

At the time of writing this report the roundabout on Edlesborough Green is still currently out of use.

EPC have investigated and discussed both repair and replacement options at length and have agreed to further investigate giving the unit a major overhaul.

EPC understands that many children are disappointed that the unit is still unusable however this is due to health and safety implications.

EPC hope to rectify this situation as soon as possible.

Benches on Edlesborough Green

Many of the benches on Edlesborough Green are donated by relatives in memory of loved ones.

Anyone wishing to sponsor the refurbishment of an existing bench should contact the Clerk to discuss the matter.

Neighbourhood Plan

Work continues on the Neighbourhood Plan, this plan is vital to help protect the parish against opportunistic developments until 2033. AVDC are in the process of getting their overall local plan approved. In that plan they have laid out the housing numbers required of the towns and villages in the district. More information is available in a separate article in this edition of Focus.

White Lines & Speed Roundels

EPC continue to press TfB for the promised repainting of the road markings and replacement of the cats eyes at the junctions of Ivinghoe Way, Pebblemoor and the Leighton Road (A4146).

TfB have confirmed that a works order has been raised for the repainting of the 30mph roundels through Northall.

If you notice any other road markings in need of repainting please report those to Bucks CC (see the information at the start of this article).

Think Before You Park

Parking in the Parish continues to be an issue EPC ask all drivers to Think Before You Park

Ask yourself:

  • Does my parking prevent any of the following using the pavement:
    • A pedestrian
    • A wheelchair
    • A pushchair
  • Does my parking block an emergency vehicles access?
  • Does my parking damage the pavement or grass verge?
  • Does my paring obstruct other road user’s view?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES please find somewhere else to park.


Edlesborough Parish Council currently has vacant allotments. Anyone wishing to take on an allotment should contact the Parish Clerk. Fees are £2 per pole and plots range in size from 5 – 20 poles.



The EDaN Traffic Management team are looking for volunteers to help with their new Sentinel device. If you have an interest in slowing down traffic in the villages or are concerned about Road Safety, please contact Louise Turner on 01442 843123 or by email at [email protected]

Edlesborough Parish Council Meetings

The next Edlesborough Parish Council Meetings will take place as follows

  • Edlesborough Memorial Hall, Thursday 17th November 2016
  • Edlesborough Memorial Hall, Thursday 15th December 2016

The meetings will commence at 7:30pm.

All Parishioners are welcome to attend all Ordinary Parish Council meetings and may ask questions, raise issues and give suggestions during the Open Forum before the formal start of the meeting. The full minutes of the Parish Council meetings are normally available to view on the website or from the Parish Clerk.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.