This article was published in April 2016. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

May 5th Police & Crime Commissioner Election, and June 23rd Euro Referendum.

To check your registration and register call 01296 585807. Or go online

More information can be found at

Edlesborough Parish Neighbourhood Plan

See separate report in Focus.


The A4146 through Dagnall, Edlesborough and Northall is to become the B440 shortly after the completion of the A5/M1 link. Currently no progress has been made on putting weight limits on the B488 at enforceable points to prevent the displacement of HGV’s to the west rather than the M1. Unless this requirement can be satisfied it is unlikely that we will get the weight limit on the B440 (old A4146) through our parish.

Litter Picking in the Villages

In the run up to The Queen's 90th birthday on 21 April 2016, many people have been inspired to take action and enjoy a few hours together litter-picking to make the places where we live more beautiful. It would be great if this new found inspiration continues long after the Queen’s birthday, and parishioners continue to attack the blight of litter and reclaim our beautiful villages, countryside, parks and waterways.

Volunteers are needed to help with litter picking in the three villages. The Parish Council will provide litter pickers and bin bags and the rubbish can be either placed in household bins or AVDC provide free collection of picked and bagged litter, but need litter pick organisers to inform us prior to their event, please contact [email protected]

Bucks CC Devolution

Following a recent tender process EPC have appointed MW Agri Ltd as their contractor to carry out the Bucks CC Devolution tasks within the parish. These tasks include grass and hedge cutting, siding out, maintenance of identified public footpaths (Rights of Way), weed killing and maintenance of street furniture, street signs, etc. Any complaints about any of the above services must now be reported the clerk, Penny Pataky etc. Compliments are welcome also!

New Handyman

EPC have appointed Mr Darren Pearce of Northall as their primary handyman.

McCann Planning Application for 57 Houses on land off Edlesborough High Street

Following the decision on this application EPC have written to Anglian Water regarding the ability of the village’s sewage system being able to cope with an additional 57 houses.

EPC have also written to the case officer Ms Clare Gray insisting on being consulted on the allocation of the S106 money and various other aspects of the development including the open space, playground, streetlights, new pavement, layby and vision splay, bus shelter, yellow lines, pedestrian crossing and the ongoing issues with the sewage system.

Parking & HGV’s

Inconsiderate parking continues to be an area of concern to many parishioners and the council. Once again the council request that all parishioners park considerately, especially near junctions, the school and shops and refrain from parking on the white lines around the parish. Parking offences which block a vehicular access or footway should be reported to Thanes Valley Police 101 as they have sole enforcement powers.

Now that the HGV Weight Restrictions are in force in Eaton Bray it is important that residents support our neighbouring parish in reporting vehicles who break the restrictions. Reports should be made to CBC Highways (0300 300 8049 or [email protected]) who will write to the owner of the vehicle highlighting the new restrictions. When making a report please try to provide the following information:

  • Registration mark
  • Branding of the vehicle owner
  • A photo of the offending vehicle

Reporting Pavement, Pothole, Fly Tipping & Rights of Way Issues

Please report any pavement issues, potholes, and Rights of Way issues to If possible please take a photo of the problem and upload it when making the report.

Please report fly tipping to or call 01296 480771 or 0845 330 1856.


Edlesborough Parish Council currently has vacant allotments. Anyone wishing to take on an allotment should contact the Parish Clerk. Fees are £1:80 per pole and plots range in size from 5 – 20 poles.


The EDaN Traffic Management team are looking for volunteers to help man their Sentinel device. If you have an interest in slowing down traffic in the villages or are concerned about Road Safety please contact Louise Turner on 01442 843123 or by email at [email protected]

Edlesborough Parish Council Meetings

The next Edlesborough Parish Council Meetings will take place in Edlesborough Memorial Hall on:

  • Thursday 19th May 2016. This evening will include the Annual Meeting of the Council and will be followed by the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting.
  • Thursday 16th June 2016.

The meetings will commence at 7:30pm.

All Parishioners are welcome to attend all Ordinary Parish Council meetings and may ask questions, raise issues and give suggestions during the Open Forum before the formal start of the meeting. The full minutes of the Parish Council meetings are normally available to view on the website or from the Parish Clerk.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.