New Trees on Edlesborough Green
The EDaN Beautification team have recently completed the first stage of their tree planting plan for Edlesborough Green. Any parishioner wishing to sponsor a tree should contact Sharon Stilliard via email [email protected]
Parking in the Parish
There has been an increasing incidence of inconsiderate parking within the villages. This not only causes inconvenience and danger to pedestrians but damages the pavement. With the increasing number of cuts being made by Bucks CC it is becoming increasingly hard to get our pavements maintained and repaired. We need to protect our pavements from further damage caused by vehicles parking on them.
The Highway Code
Rule 243: DO NOT stop or park:
- opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
- where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles
Rule 244: You MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement in London, and should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it. Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs.
In addition, if you use contractors or have any deliveries please remind them not to park on the pavement.
Defibrillators in the Parish
In May 2015 the Parish Council had a very informative demonstration by the South Central Ambulance Service regarding the installation of defibrillators within the parish. St Mary’s Carnival Committee have now confirmed that they will make a donation to support the purchase of defibrillators within the Parish.
Parish Council Handyman
In December Mr David Thompson retired from his position as Handyman to Edlesborough Parish Council.
Mr Thompson had worked for many years throughout the Parish carrying out many jobs for the council including grass cutting, looking after the cemetery and churchyard, carrying out repairs to the Memorial Hall, Pavilion and play area, etc. He was passionate about the villages and will be greatly missed. The Parish Council wish to thank him for his years of dedication and commitment he gave to the role.
Reporting Pavement, Pothole, Fly Tipping & Rights of Way Issues
Please report any pavement issues, potholes, and Rights of Way issues to If possible please take a photo of the problem and upload it when making the report.
Please report fly tipping to or call 01296 480771 or 0845 330 1856.
Edlesborough Parish Council currently has vacant allotments. Anyone wishing to take on an allotment should contact the Parish Clerk. Fees are £1:80 per pole and plots range in size from 5 – 20 poles.
Dog Fouling
The majority of dog owners act responsibly but the few who don’t think that they can get away with not picking up after their pet if they believe they cannot be seen.
Do you:
- Know of a dog owner who does not pick up after their pet?
- Are the dog(s) usually exercised at a certain time during the day?
- What time(s) are the offences occurring and where?
- Have a description of the dog(s) look like?
- Have a description of the person walking the dog?
- If the dog owner is using a car, what is the number on the registration plate?
Dog fouling is more effectively tackled when the whole community works together.
We need your help as, if more people come forward to report dog fouling offences, irresponsible dog owners may start to think twice about their actions.
To help us in our quest for a cleaner, healthier neighbourhood please report any fouling incidences to: Aylesbury Vale Environmental Services, Telephone 01296 585858 (ask for Environmental Health) or email [email protected].
You may also wish to know that our local PCSOs will be authorised by AVDC to serve fixed penalty notices on our behalf.
Neighbourhood Plan
The six public meetings arranged for January took place as planned. Approximately 200 people attended the meetings overall. At the meetings, the reasons for developing a plan were shared together with the timetable and path forward. Once we have a plan examined and passed by a government approved inspector the plan will be put to all parishioners on the electoral register to seek your support.
A key element in developing the plan is the involvement of parishioners. To that end, meeting attendees were invited to complete a form giving their email address for more timely and effective communications. We have created a mailing list specifically for the Neighbourhood Plan project. We also invited everyone to indicate if they were willing to help develop the plan and over 80 responded positively. All attendees were asked to indicate their areas of interest in the plan such as housing, green infrastructure and community facilities.
If you were unable to attend any of the meetings but would like to be added to the Neighbourhood Plan Mailing List please send your details to the Clerk, Penny Pataky.
The EDaN Traffic Management team are looking for volunteers to help man their Sentinel device. If you have an interest in slowing down traffic in the villages or are concerned about Road Safety please contact Louise Turner on 01442 834123 or by email at [email protected]
Edlesborough Parish Council Meetings
The next Edlesborough Parish Council Meetings will take place in Edlesborough Memorial Hall on:
- Thursday 17th March 2016
- Thursday 21st April 2016 - This evening will include the Annual Parish Meeting where the council will review the achievements of the past year and set out the plans for the future. Parishioners are invited to raise issues and debate them with the council.
The meetings will commence at 7:30pm.
All Parishioners are welcome to attend and may ask questions, raise issues and give suggestions during the Open Forum before the formal start of the meeting. The full minutes of the Parish Council meetings are normally available to view on the website or from the Parish Clerk.
Contact Information
Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358
or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.
Focus - March 2016 was published on February 26, 2016