This article was published in April 2016. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.
Edlesborough Parish Neighbourhood Plan Evolution
- March: Neighbourhood Plan added to regular agenda items for EPC meetings.
- April: Introduced in Chairman’s report review in Annual Meeting of the Parish and published in the June Parish Magazine.
- June: Meeting with Jean Fox and councillors regarding Community Action Bucks consulting process.
- July: EPC meeting. Council decided to apply for the right to develop a Neighbourhood Plan even though Community Action Bucks and rCOH consultants are unable to commit support.
- August: Announcement by EPC in the local parish magazine.
- September: EPC makes formal application to AVDC to be the body to develop the Neighbourhood Plan.
- October:
- Announcement from EPC in local parish magazine.
- Neighbourhood Plan
The Council have agreed to begin the process to apply for a designated Neighbourhood Area. This is the first step on the way towards creating a Neighbourhood Plan. It is important to note that whilst a Neighbourhood Plan cannot prevent growth it can help to shape it and control where it happens. Full information on the plan process and community consultation will be shared in due course. - EPC meeting consider budget requirements and plans for Public meetings in January 2016.
- November: Statement of Intent published in local parish magazine
- December: Meeting with rCOH consultancy.
- January:
- Every household had a leaflet explaining the initiative and giving dates of six public meetings to be held in the month
- Pre-workshop meeting with rCOH .
- Public meetings held 2 in each village on the14th, 16th, 19th, 23rd, 25th & 30th Over 200 attended. 160 gave email addresses to be kept informed directly and 80 volunteered to help develop the plan.
- February:
- Parish magazine article on Neighbourhood Plan background and January meetings.
- 1st Steering Group Meeting
- March:
- 2nd Steering Group Meeting
- w/c 28th First Village team meetings
- Today:
- April 6th 1st meeting between EPBP Core members and AVDC
- Next steps:
- Mid-April:
- Next SG meeting to include feedback from Village Groups
- Village Group meetings continue
- Early to Mid May: Next SG meeting. More input from Village Groups
- End May -Early June: SG & Village Groups prepare visual displays and handouts for public meetings
- Mid June to Mid July: Two public meetings in each village to contain Village specifics and Parish overview
- Mid-Jul: SG review and synthesise summary of feedback from public meetings
- End July: Pre-Sub draft to SG from rCOH
- Mid-April:
Edlesborough Parish Neighbourhood Plan Evolution was published on April 1, 2016