Collection of Allotment Rents
The collection of Allotment rents will take place on Saturday 4th October at Edlesborough Memorial Hall between 9am - 11:30am for The Green, Cow Lane and Northall Allotments.
Dagnall Rents will be collected on Sunday 5th October at the Dagnall Trading Hut between 9am - 11:30am.
In order for the Parish Council to save on administration expenses it wold be very much appreciated if tenants could pay their rent on the specified date or arrange for them to be sent to the Clerk at 15 Summerleys, Edlesborough, LU6 2HR
Please ensure rent is paid by 6th October 2014.
Several lights have been reported to the technician for repairs. Please remember to report any faulty streetlights to the Clerk (details below) NOT AVDC or Bucks CC.
Edlesborough Parish Council Meeting
This next meeting will be held at Northall Village Hall on Thursday 16th October 2014, commencing at 7:30pm. Minutes of previous meetings can be found on the website
Resurfacing Works
The resurfacing of High Street Edlesborough will take place towards the end of October 2014. Details of any road closures will be published on the website and Facebook page as soon as they become available.
Public Meeting in Dagnall – Gadsden Walk future?
A public meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th October at 7.30 pm in Dagnall Village Hall to discuss the wishes of Dagnall residents regarding the future of the undeveloped/unopened footpath known as Gadsden Walk. A meeting notice and voting form to gauge resident’s wishes is included with this copy of Focus (for Dagnall residents only).
Contact Information
Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358
or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.
Focus - October 2014 was published on October 7, 2014