This article was published in February 2014. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Parish Council meeting– dates and venues

20th March 2014 7.30pm at Edlesborough Memorial Hall

17th April 2014 Annual Parish Meeting commencing 7.30pm followed by Parish Council Meeting at Edlesborough Memorial Hall

15th May 2014 Annual General Meeting commencing 7.30pm followed by Parish Council Meeting at Edlesborough Memorial Hall

Parish Council vacancies

Would you like to know more about local issues and developments in Edlesborough, Dagnall and Northall?

Do you have an interest in how the villages and their amenities are run?

Would you like to obtain some real satisfaction by making a contribution to our local community?

If so, and you are aged 21 or over and live (or work) in the Parish, you might like to consider joining the Parish Council where there are currently 2 vacancies, 1 in Edlesborough and 1 in Dagnall.

Councillors do not have to live in the village which they represent.

For more information please contact the Parish Clerk.

Dog Fouling/Control of Dogs

Enlarged Bye-law Notices relating to The Green at Edlesborough have been erected and parishioners are requested to observe them whilst, in particular, exercising their dogs and to note that NO BALL GAMES are to be played against the Pavilion.

Pavilion Steering Group

The Steering Group has held a progress meeting with the Parish Council to discuss the issues involved, plans, funding opportunities and the best way forward to recreate and establish a more attractive and useable Pavilion.

Street lighting

Requests have been received for additional street lights in the Parish and the Council are currently investigating the cost of replacing SON lamps with LED lamps. Council agreed to create a ‘sinking fund’ for streetlights to enable the old streetlights to be replaced over the next few years.

Bus Shelter, High Street, Edlesborough

Work has been carried out to demolish and rebuild the existing bus shelter due to the existing brickwork being unstable.

Financial Regulations

A new Financial Regulations document has been approved by the Council and signed by the Chairman. The document can be viewed on the website.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.