This article was published in June 2014. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Parish Council meeting – dates and venues

19th June 2014 Ordinary Parish Council Meeting commencing 7:30pm at All Saints Church Hall, Dagnall

17th July 2014 Parish Council Meeting commencing 7.30pm at Edlesborough Memorial Hall

On Thursday 17th April Edlesborough Parish Council held their Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Ordinary Parish Meeting. Below is a summary of the two meetings, the full minutes can be found at

The Chairman gave a comprehensive report on the past year in the Parish of Edlesborough and copy can be found in this addition of FOCUS and on the Parish website

New Councillors

The Parish Council are pleased to announce the formal co-opting of two new councillors:

  • Mrs Trish Owen for Dagnall
  • Mrs Finola Woodhouse for Edlesborough

New Councillor

There continues to be a vacancy for a Councillor to represent the village of Northall. Please contact the Clerk, Penny Pataky, for further details.

Current allotment plots available:

Allotments are currently available at The Green and Cow Lane. Please contact the Clerk if you would like to take on an allotment.


The damaged streetlight in Taskers Row, Edlesborough is to be replaced. A new streetlight will be installed on Main Road North, Dagnall between the roundabout and the Public House.

Potholes and Fly Tipping

These continue as ongoing issues in the Parish.

Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) have recently launched a brand new fault reporting page. You can access it on iPad, iPhone and Android as well as traditional PC/laptop devices. Other new features include the ability to upload a photo of the issue (as long as it's safe to take one!) as well as the function to use GPS and wifi/3G to allow an exact location to be determined. Have a look if you've got a defect to report - or if you prefer you can ring the fault reporting line on 0845 230 2882.

You can also report Fly Tipping in the same way by following the link

The Green & Pavilion

The Council is saddened by the recent spate of graffiti on the benches around the Green and play equipment.

Despite new signs requesting no ball games to be played against the Pavilion this continues to be an ongoing problem resulting in additional repair costs.

The Council asks that parishioners please speak to their children about appropriate conduct on the Green.

Edlesborough Memorial Hall

The Memorial hall is gradually becoming a hive of activities including Ballet, Street Dance, Knit & Stitch, Carpet Bowls, Barre Class, Jo Jingles, Time to Shine, Brownies, Edlesborough WI, Kay’s Exercise Class, Musical Theatre, Irish Stick Fighting and a new Yoga Class. For more information on any of these classes please see the Noticeboards or contact the Manager.

Even with all these activities there is still plenty of availability for one-off or regular bookings; if you are interested in using the Memorial Hall please contact the manager.

Current allotment plots available

If you would like to take on an allotment there are currently plots available at The Green and Cow Lane. Please contact the Clerk for further details.

Edlesborough Festival 20th – 22nd June 2014

The second Edlesborough Festival will take place this month for more information or tickets please contact Christine on [email protected] or 01525 220739 or visit the website

Thames Valley Police Report

Crime Figures Update The figures below have been taken from statistics for the year 2013/2014 compared to the same time period 2012/2013. The breakdown for Edlesborough Parish is as follows -

  • Violence against the person has remained the same this year [3 reported offences]
  • Burglary in a dwelling has decreased by 3 offences [6 reported offences this year]
  • Burglary non dwelling [sheds/outhouses] has remained as 1 reported offence - these offences relate to property being removed from an outbuilding.
  • Theft from motor vehicle has decreased by 2 offences [6 offences for this year] –Arson – No reported offences.
  • Criminal damage has decreased by 6 offences [6 in total for the year]
  • Drug offences has increased by 2 (2 offences in total this year)

Thames Valley Alert: This remains a free service which provides information to subscribers about crime and police activity in their area via phone or email. It also includes information on what we and our partner services are doing to bring offenders to justice or combat anti-social behaviour. You can sign up by following this link:

PSCSO Dodson also provided a list of useful websites and email addresses:

  • Thames Valley Police –
  • Have Your Say online -
  • Crimestoppers newsletter -
  • Crimestoppers for youth –
  • TVP Facebook –
  • TVP Twitter – @TVP_Aylesbury
  • Trading Standards –
  • Scams – or 0300 123 2040
  • Thames Valley Horsewatch –
  • Thames Valley Countrywatch –

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.