This article was published in July 2011. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

The Village Freighter

will be at Northall Village Hall on 27th July 2011 from 7.30- 11.00am

Edlesborough Sewerage problems

A meeting has taken place with Anglian Water regarding the sewerage problems in Edlesborough and Northall which will be looked into. It was mentioned by Anglian Water that more than two-thirds of all blockages contain disposable items and it would like people to be made more aware of items which should not be flushed away or put down the sink.

  • Do not pour fats, oils, grease and food waste down the sink or your external drains.
  • Do not flush rags, cotton wool, sanitary products, condoms, nappies, plastic or similar materials down the toilet.
  • Allow the fats and grease to solidify and then dispose of it in the bin.
  • Scrape all food waste off plates into the bin.
  • Take unwanted waste cooking oils to designated recycling centres.

Road Closures in July

Bucks CC will be carrying out surface dressing between the 7th – 11th July 2011 on the A4146 Leighton Road, Edlesborough. Diversion Route Schedule is B489 Tring Road/Church Road, B488 Station Road/Horton Road, Leighton Road, A505, A4146 Leighton Road, Billington, Bedfordshire and vice versa.

New Councillor

Mr. Brian Holt had joined the Parish Council representing Dagnall Ward.

The Vale of Aylesbury Plan- Edlesborough Neighbourhood Plan

A meeting has taken place with representatives of AVDC discussing the Edlesborough Neighbourhood Plan which has replaced the original Core Strategy. Consultations will be taking place later in the year.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.