This article was published in November 2010. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

It is with great sadness that the Edlesborough Parish Council have to announce the death of Chairman Anne Thompson who, despite tremendous willpower and courage, lost her fight for life on 9th October 2010. She will be greatly missed for not only her concern and input to the Parish as a whole but also to the many people and organisations she supported in her village of Dagnall.

Village Freighter

  • Edlesborough Tuesday 23rd November 7.30am – 11.00am in the Memorial Hall car park
  • Dagnall Thursday 18th November 7.30am – 11.00am in Dagnall Village Hall car park
  • Northall Wednesday 24th November 12noon – 3.30pm in Northall Village Hall car park

Memorial Hall car park

It is proposed that initially work to the existing car park will include the inclusion of 2 disabled parking spaces and access to either Pebblemoor or the High Street via a gateway situated away from the main car park entrance. The damage to the surface will be made good and all parking spaces marked out accordingly. Discussion will then take place regarding funding for the proposed car park extension.

The Green

To prevent damage to many of the trees on the Green a quotation is being sought to remove the ivy.

Beautifying the Pavilion

Due to lack of enthusiasm from parishioners and several Sports Clubs this matter has been put on hold.


The majority of allotment rents were collected over the weekend of 9th/10th October. There are currently no allotments available.

Litter Bins

AVDC are collecting the rubbish from the new litter bins situated outside the Green and to assist the few volunteers who collect rubbish from the yellow bins remaining on the Green the Parish Council would request that to avoid overfill of these bins rubbish is taken home whenever possible.

Street lighting

There are various lights not working along the A4146 through Edlesborough and Northall. These will be attended to as soon as arrangements can be made to put traffic control equipment in place.

Rights of Way

New maps are currently being produced to replace those previously damaged by rainwater etc. and will be put in the Rights of Way notice boards when received.

Core Strategy

Due to government changes the proposed Core Strategy for Aylesbury Vale District Council has been withdrawn but as a follow up to responses by parishioners in the original Parish Plan the Parish Council will be carrying out a Housing Needs Survey for each of the three villages during the coming year.

Speed Camera, Church End, Edlesborough

The Parish Council were utterly dismayed to discover that the speed camera was being withdrawn via the Press without the Council first being informed and immediately wrote to Bucks CC. whose response it awaited.

Mobile Library Service

Due to County Council cut backs the Mobile Library no longer visits Edlesborough but Bedfordshire County Council continue to bring their Mobile Library to Moor End, Eaton Bray on a Tuesday twice a month and parishioners are recommended to take advantage of this service.

Change of Dates

The General Purpose Committee meeting scheduled for 1st December has been cancelled.

The Edlesborough Parish Council meeting scheduled to take place on Thursday 16th December will be held on Thursday 9th December in The Pavilion commencing 7.30pm.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.