This article was published in July 2010. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Speed Limit Review - Area 13

The Consultation period has now ended and feedback will be considered by the Area Working Group who will report recommendations to the County Council's Cabinet Member for Transport for a final decision on which limits will be approved. Information on the Speed Limit Review can be found on Bucks CC website:

Village Freighter

The Freighter has visited Edlesborough and Dagnall and will be at Northall Village Hall car park on Wednesday 21st July from 7.30am-11.00am. A reminder of dates for later in the year are:

  • Edlesborough Tuesday 23rd November 7.30am - 11.00am in the Memorial Hall car park
  • Dagnall Thursday 18th November 7.30am - 11.00am in Dagnall Village Hall car park
  • Northall Wednesday 24th November 12noon - 3.30pm in Northall Village Hall car park

Dates of Parish Council Meetings

The date of the July Parish Council Meeting has been altered to Thursday 22nd July 2010 commencing at 7.30pm at Edlesborough Memorial Hall. There will be no meeting in August.

Memorial Hall & Pavilion Car Parks

Further security measures are being discussed for these areas.

Edlesborough Memorial Hall

A new boiler system and internal decoration of the main hall will take place during the summer months.


Due to demand all allotments in Edlesborough are now let.

Edlesborough Village Sign

The Parish Council are delighted with the Village sign for Edlesborough and convey congratulations and thanks to the EDaN 'Beautifying the Villages' team, in particular Christine Yates, who, through fund raising events, were able to organise and pay for the sign to be unveiled during the May Day celebrations held on Edlesborough Green.

Local Area Forum Delegated Budget

Again the Parish Council were delighted to be awarded funding to create a 'build out' and additional traffic control measures to be carried out in Dunstable Road, Dagnall. Work is anticipated to be commenced during this year. A bid has been submitted for the 2010/11 Local Area Forum Delegated Budget for funding to extend the lay-by in Brook Street, Edlesborough, coupled with the addition of cycle racks adjacent to the High Street, including a repeated request for Bus Shelters.


An accident has resulted in one of the streetlights on the main A4146 through Dagnall having to be cut down. A new light will be installed as soon as conveniently possible.


Bucks CC have been requested to carry out works on the footpaths in Northall and between Northall and Edlesborough to cut back overgrown verges thus making the pavements wider and more user friendly.

Local Transport Plan: Buckinghamshire: Connecting People & Places

Do you care about the future of transport in Buckinghamshire?

Transport for Buckinghamshire is currently developing a new 15 year transport plan. A 12 week public consultation is being undertaking this summer (August-October) giving you the opportunity to influence transportation in Buckinghamshire towards 2026. To get involved please visit out website:

Thames Valley Police

Thames Valley Police will, in future be attending quarterly meetings held by the Parish Council, the first being on Thursday 22nd July 2010 at 7.30pm in Edlesborough Memorial Hall. Parishioners with any issues they would like to discuss with Thames Valley Police are invited to attend the meeting.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.