This article was published in February 2010. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

AVDC Refuse collections

Despite the severe weather conditions prevailing over the Christmas and New Year periods the Parish has been fortunate in having all rubbish collected at the stated times. Several injuries were caused to refuse collectors throughout the District and many villages had to forego collections.

Pot Holes/road repairs

The Clerk has constantly been reporting new pot holes caused by weather conditions and Bucks Highways have appointed more ‘gangs' to carry out urgent repairs. Two severe water problems occurred in Northall and Edlesborough and, once confirmed by Anglian Water that they were not water main problems but due to blocked drains, Bucks Highways immediately dealt with the situations. Bucks CC are currently deciding how to deal with the pot holes in The Green which is mainly caused by the road surface being higher than the adjacent verge, as soon as weather conditions improve work will be undertaken.

Edlesborough Play Area

One of the swing seats has been repaired and additional bark supplied.

Litter Bins

Additional litter bins of a larger capacity have been positioned by the footpath leading from The Green onto the village Green, outside Northall Village Hall and close to Munns Shop in Dagnall. A further Litter Bin will be installed in Edlesborough High Street. These will be emptied by AVDC.

Edlesborough Memorial Hall

There has been a significant increase in bookings over the past few months. Snow clearing material was supplied during the adverse weather conditions.

Kick Wall/Beautifying the Pavilion

Following ‘Focus' articles regarding these two issues the Parish Council have appreciated the responses given by Parishioners. An analysis of responses is being prepared but the Parish Council would still like to receive additional comments to help it progress discussions.

St.Mary's Church, Edlesborough

The Churches Conservation Trust will be commencing works in January to improve the steps leading up to the Church as approved by planning application granted in 2005. The Council apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to users of the bridleway.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.