This article was published in February 2009. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Cemetery Access

The Parish Council have discussed the proposed route at length and have made the decision to utilise the piece of land originally purchased by the Council along the rear of the Churchyard access being gained from the Bridleway. The cost will be much less than original estimates for going through the Churchyard. A specification is being prepared for submission to contractors to enable quotations to be received.

The Council has expressed it's concern to Bucks CC that the full length of the Bridleway, recently resurfaced, was not completed up to the A4146. When further funds are available Bucks CC will review this matter.

Traffic Calming

Now that the M1 roadworks are virtually completed the Waste Disposal Companies have been instructed by the Bletchley Landfill Depot to use the M1/A5 route. The Council have observed a significant drop in the number of large waste disposal lorries travelling through the villages although one or two companies are not adhering to the instructions and large lorries carrying soil and other materials are still using the village roads. The situation will continue to be monitored.

Training lorry companies have been requested not to use Edlesborough High Street during 'drop off' and 'pick up' times at Edlesborough School.

Litter Picking

Volunteers have come forward to help with collection of the litter constantly being left on The Green, in particular around the Pavilion, and the Memorial Hall. The Parish Council are extremely grateful to these volunteers.

Ditch clearance

The ditch adjacent to the Northall allotments has been cleared to prevent properties along the A4146 being flooded, other drains have been cleared by Bucks CC.

Open Forum

In future the Agenda for Edlesborough Parish Council monthly meetings will include an 'Open Forum' item thus allowing parishioners the opportunity of attending the meeting to raise any questions they wish to put to the Council.


Council agreed a precept of £62,500 a 3.7% increase on 2008

EDaN Projects

Planters have been installed at various locations around the villages and will be planted up in the Spring.

A .pdf version of the Edlesborough Parish Plan can be viewed on the Parish website:

The Green, Edlesborough

Title of part of The Green has been registered with the Land Registry. The allotment end of The Green is registered under the Commons Registration Act but enquiries are being made as to whether this could also be registered at the Land Registry.

South End Lane, Northall

Council has expressed its concern to AVDC Planning regarding the unsatisfactory condition of the lane caused by developers.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.