This article was published in April 2009. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

New Councillor

The Council are very pleased to have co-opted Mr. Mark Wilson onto the Parish Council as a representative of Northall Ward.

Canon Malcolm Grant

A Retirement card has been forwarded to Malcolm and the Parish Council send him good wishes for the future.

Cemetery Access

All quotations have been received for the proposed new access route to the Cemetery. A further site meeting will take place to clarify that one of the quotations does include for everything that is in the specification. Funeral Directors will be in attendance to ensure they are satisfied with the proposal.

Pot Holes

Buckinghamshire County Council has taken on more 'gangs' to deal with the potholes caused mainly by the recent inclement weather and are treating this as a priority throughout the County.


The budget was confirmed at the February Parish Council meeting.


The Parish Council apologises to regular viewers of the website as due to a Server problem this had reverted back to 2007. All is now up to date.

Speed Limit Review

It has been confirmed by Bucks CC that the Speed Limit Review for Area 13 will begin in April/May this year. The proposal to reduce the speed limit through Northall to 30mph is listed on the Review.


The Council have agreed to purchase Speedwatch equipment if a 'shared ownership' with another Parish is not possible.

Dog Fouling/Litter

The inexcusable behaviour of some dog owners is causing excessive dog fouling throughout the Public Footpaths, Rights of Way, pavements and open spaces creating a Health & Safety issue and making parts of some pavements unwalkable. Further notices will be displayed on the Parish lamp-posts, telegraph poles etc. in an attempt to 'clean up' the villages. Also the dropping of litter has increased over recent months and again the Council would ask that this is put in the bins provided or taken home rather than make the villages an eye sore.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.