This article was published in May 2008. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Village Frighter Reminder

The Village Freighter will be calling at the three villages of Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall as follows:

  • Dagnall – Tuesday 13th May 2008 – 7.30am until 11am in the Village Hall Car Park
  • Edlesborough – Tuesday 13th May 2008 – 12noon until 3.30pm in the Memorial Hall Car Park
  • Northall – Wednesday 18th July 2008 – 7.30am until 11am in the Village Hall Car Park

Co-opted Parish Councillor

At it’s meeting held on 20th March 2008 Edlesborough Parish Council co-opted Tim Jones as a Parish Councillor who will be representing Dagnall Ward.

Street Lighting

Repairs to the streetlights hopefully will be carried out during week commencing 14th April. Please report all faulty streetlights to the Clerk as soon as problems occur.

In order to assess Parishioners views on traffic calming measures for Edlesborough High Street the proposed switching off of 2 streetlights has had to be deferred pending re-installation of the damaged streetlight at Cow Lane.

Edlesborough Cemetery Access

A meeting has taken place between the Parish Council and The Churches Conservation Trust and agreement was reached to produce a more basic specification which will be forwarded to Contractors to enable the Parish Council to obtain revised quotations.

Northall Playground

Installation of new play equipment took place adjacent to the Village Hall during April. Council have agreed to include the equipment and safety surfacing together with the play equipment at Dagnall within the Insurance Policy which currently covers the play equipment at Edlesborough.

Play Around the Parishes Play Scheme

Following the success of the event run by Aylesbury Vale District Council at Edlesborough and Dagnall last year the Parish Council have requested the return of this scheme during the Summer holidays and to include Northall. Further information will be notified in due course.

Safer Routes to School have been successful in obtaining grant funding to upgrade the bridleway between Ivinghoe Aston and Edlesborough thus enabling the children to walk to Edlesborough School in safety.

Dagnall have received approval of grant funding to install a Multi-Purpose Recreational Track on Dagnall Recreation Field.


Unfortunately the bus to Milton Keynes has had to be withdrawn due to costs involved in running the service and has been replaced by a daily service to Bletchley. Buses will continue to run between the villages of Northall, Edlesborough and Dagnall to Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard, Bletchley and Hemel Hempstead. The Parish Council are continually pressing for the 61 bus from Luton to Aylesbury to have a pick up point at Dagnall as well as Edlesborough and this is being looked into.

Parish Meetings

The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 15th May 2008 preceding the Ordinary Parish meeting.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.