Village Freighter Refuse Collection 2007
The Freighter will be calling as follows:
- Edlesborough - Memorial Hall Car Park:
- Tuesday 15th May 12noon to 3.30pm
- Tuesday 20th November 7.30am to 11am
- Dagnall - Village Hall Car Park:
- Tuesday 15th May 7.30am to 11am
- Tuesday 15th November 7.30am to 11am
- Northall - Village Hall Car Park:
- Wednesday 18th July 7.30am to 11am
- Wednesday 21st November 12noon to 3.30pm
The Freighter will not accept: Fridges and freezers. Clinical waste, e.g. syringes, used dressings. Car parts including tyres, exhausts, batteries, oil, hazardous waste, e.g. asbestos, commercial or business waste, building rubble, paints, liquids or garden chemicals.
For advice about disposing of these materials, details of refuse and recycling collections or the home bulky items collection service call 01296 585510 or visit AVDC website:
Parish Plan
The Parish Plan is being governed by a Steering Committee under the heading of EDaN Project (Edlesborough, Dagnall and Northall) and articles will periodically be published for Parishioners' information.
PCSO Funding
A successful meeting was held between the Parishes of Edlesborough, Pitstone and Ivinghoe resulting in all three parishes ceasing funding for the PCSO from April 2007. Arrangements have been put in hand for the parishes to retain their PCSO plus additional Police Officers funded by Thames Valley Police.
Edlesborough Memorial Hall
Work was carried out over the Easter period to construct the new floor which has been three quarters funded by Grants from Awards for All (Lottery funding) and Aylesbury Vale District Council Grants for the Community and Voluntary Sector. The Memorial Hall is available for hire by organisations, groups and parishioners for meetings, social events, parties etc.
Beacon View, Northall
Agreement has been reached for the balance of Section 106 Agreement monies to be put towards a childrens' playground at Northall Village Hall.
Thames Valley Police will be carrying out Bicycle Marking at Edlesborough Pavilion Car Park on 30th May between 11am and 1pm.
Parish Council have requested the County Rider bus service to include a service to Dagnall. This currently stops at villages including Edlesborough and Northall.
News for Northall Residents from Edlesborough Parish Council
Closure of A4146
The Clerk has been informed by Buckinghamshire County Council that an Order has been made which will temporarily prohibit any vehicle from proceeding, except for access, in that length of the A4146 Leighton Road, Northall in the Parish of Edlesborough, which commences at its junction with Slapton Lane and continues to its junction with Eaton Bray Road.
The alternative route for vehicles affected by the closure will be via A505, B488 to Ivinghoe, B489 to Edlesborough and A4146 and vice versa. The alternative route for Heavy Goods Vehicles will be via A515, A5 and B489.
The closure is required whilst carriageway resurfacing works take place and it is anticipated that the works will take place between 1900 hours on 30 May 2007 and 0600 hours on 1 June 2007.
The Order will come into operation on 30 May 2007 when the appropriate signs are lawfully displayed and will continue in force for a period of 18 months or until the works have been completed, whichever is the earlier.
Penalities for not observing these restrictions will be as prescribed by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Road Traffic Act 1991.
Contact Information
Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358
or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.
Focus - May 2007 was published on May 1, 2007