This article was published in August 2007. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Village Freighter Refuse Collection 2007 – IMPORTANT NOTICE

AVDC have informed the Parish Council that as from lst July 2007 as a result of implementation of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive the Village Freighter Collection Service will no longer be permitted to accept electrical and electronic waste as part of it’s service, they must be treated separately and are subject to producer responsibility regulations. ALL Village Freighter Collections that take place from 1st July 2007 will not be able to accept WEEE goods which includes all electrical and electronic goods including, but not exclusively, fridges, freezers, washing machines, televisions, computers, fluorescent tubes, toasters, microwaves, lighting equipment, toys and electrically powered novelty items. WEEE goods can be taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centres or authorised take-back centres such as stores and retailers where the goods were originally purchased.

Edlesborough Memorial Hall

John Bercow MP, District Councillor Terry Jones, Parish Councillors and parishioners attended an Open Morning in June to celebrate the completion of the new Memorial Hall. A plaque has now been received from AVDC to acknowledge it’s funding along with the Lottery ‘Awards for All’.


The Parish Council congratulated the Carnival Committee on their financial achievement and despite the appalling weather conditions prior to the event The Green has managed to cope very well.

Road Closure

The B4506 Ringshall road will be closed during September to early October 2007 to undertake remedial repairs, diversion signs will be erected.

Police matters

PCSO Jackie Dodson had given a report at the June Parish Council meeting. Due to the call centre of Thames Valley Police having difficulty in dealing with incidents reports in the Parish (caused by conflicting post codes) parishioners were recommended to dial 999 instead of the 0845 8 505 505 number. A joint meeting is being held between Thames Valley Police, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire Police in an endeavour to have a more closer liason in dealing with incidents which occur on the boundaries of the three districts. Edlesborough, Dagnall and Northall fall into this category.

General Matters

The Parish Council are in the process of studying various issues of Transport, Local Development Framework. Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation needs in Buckinghamshire, signage and freighter strategies for Church End, Edlesborough, dragons teeth are now in situ.

Anglian Water will be carrying out an analysis of the assets in the area, sewers, pumping plant etc.and consider the reported repeat flooding incidents which have periodically occurred over many years.

Inspections are being made by representatives of AVDC of residents recycling methods, anyone examining residents’ refuse should be able to produce relevant identification.

Parish Plan (EDaN Project)

To prevent confusion between the Parish Council and the EDaN Project this is explained as follows:

The EDaN Project consists of parishioners and one or two Parish Councillors who have formed a Steering Group Committee to oversee the finalisation of a Parish Plan which will give a ‘wish list’ of what parishioners would like to see take place in their parish over the next 5 to 10 years. This is a completely separate Committee to that of the Parish Council and in due course when the final Parish Plan is produced the EDaN Project Committee will present the Plan to the Parish Council for it to action the ‘wishes’ contained therein.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.

Focus - August/September 2007 was published on August 1, 2007