This article was published in May 2006. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Aylesbury Vale Local Committee

Letters have been submitted to Bucks CC throughout the year regarding the Parish Council's priorities for improvements to roads and traffic calming which would be further submitted as 'Bids' to be included in the County Council's budget, namely

To extend the footpath from Chapel Lane to the Slapton Turn in Northall

To provide a footpath from Dagnall to the main B489 Dunstable to Ivinghoe Road

To extend the footpath over the hill from Church End, Edlesborough to Pine Road/Ivinghoe Way, Edlesborough in order to link all three Villages in the Parish.

Further enquiries are to be made regarding the speed limit in Northall to be extended to Slapton Turn.


Several planning applications have been discussed and the Parish Council's comments submitted to Aylesbury Vale District Council. Full details of all planning applications and responses can be viewed on either the Parish Council website or the AVDC website

Certificates have been signed and the small area of land at Knolls View, Northall has been transferred to AVDC.

Parishioners are now able to submit planning applications 'Online' at which also covers a considerable amount of planning information. Details are displayed on the village Notice Boards.

Edlesborough Memorial Hall has retained the status of small business rate relief.

After a considerable length of time the Taskers Row footpath has now been repaired to a high standard and Buckinghamshire County Council have been requested to repair the remaining footpath surrounding the Old Peoples' bungalows.

Dagnall Fete - 20th May - children from local Schools and Playgroups have been asked to submit drawings depicting 'What I most like about my Village' to be entered in a competition.

Edlesborough Carnival - 1st July - children from local Schools and Playgroups have been asked to submit drawings depicting 'What I would like to see in my Village'.

Arriva have stated they will consider the Parish Council's request for a Dagnall 'pick-up' of the 61 bus when finalising their budget.

Part of Dagnall allotment footpath is hoping to be improved by Bucks CC in conjunction with Safer Routes to School in order that children can walk to Dagnall School in safety without having to walk along the busy A4146.

Parish Plan

It has been confirmed that funding will be available to implement a Parish Plan. Arrangements will now be put in hand to arrange a Meeting for those wishing to be involved.

Police Report

Several Police operations have been carried out including Automatic Number Plate Recognition system resulting in two arrests, one for driving whilst disqualified and known car thief in a stolen motor vehicle. 2 new Neighbourhood Watch areas have been set up in Edlesborough with a further area being considered.

Several Parishioners have complained about the amount dog excrement left around the villages despite 'Dog Litter Bins' being in situ. Apart from being a health hazard particularly to children playing or walking across The Green or neighbouring fields not to 'clear up' after your dog is a criminal offence and could lead to a fine up to £1,000.00. Dog owners/walkers are requested to abide by the law and to deposit excrement in the bins provided.

Basketball Net for Edlesborough

The Parish Council would like to receive firm responses from Edlesborough Parishioners, either YES to the inclusion of a Basketball Net on The Green or NO. Unless responses are received this project will be shelved. Comments have been made from observation of the Notice Boards that 'we will be having one of those' but to date no-one has actually informed the Parish Council that they are in favour.

Library Service

Information has been received that the days on which the Library Service visits Dagnall and Northall have been altered back to Tuesdays and not Fridays (details will be appearing on the Notice Boards). The Parish Council have again raised this concern with the Library Service and anyone who is unable to visit the mobile library would be able to obtain books at home via the WRVS once a month by contacting The Community Development Manager on 01296 382033.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.