This article was published in August 2006. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Further news will be available in the next issue of Focus on date of Parish Plan meeting, roundels and yellow backed signs for the villages and the installation of the Basketball Goal and this newsletter represents the lighter side of the Parish Council activities.

As promised in the last report the answers to the Quiz held at the Dagnall fete are as follows:

Q: Can you name 3 of the 4 listed buildings in Dagnall:
A: The Church, The Gatehouse, Crosskeys Farmhouse, 38 Main Road South/Dornadales
Q: What special birthday does Dagnall School celebrate in 2009?
A: 100 years
Q: Where was the petrol pump station in Dagnall?
A: Main Road North outside Gerald Green's House
Q: In 1817 where was murdered John Payne, a sack carrier from Billington, found?
A: Outside the Red Lion Pub
Q: How much do you think was spent by the Parish Council on Dog Hygiene (emptying and 1 new bin) in 2005/6?
A: £3,926.58
Q: How many pictures are there on the Parish Council website?
A: 32
Q: Dagnall village hall was built on land belonging to which Dagnall family?
A: Ashby's
Q: How often, and what day of the week does Edlesborough Parish Council meet?
A: Once a month except August, on a Thursday
Q: In 2004 what was the population of Edlesborough Parish?
A: 2760
Q: Edlesborough Parish Council comprises of how many councillors?
A: 9
Q: Parish Council elections are held every 4 years, when is the next Edlesborough election due to be held?
A: 2007
Q: Which local authority determines planning applications submitted from Dagnall, Edlesborough and Northall?
A: Aylesbury Vale District Council
Q: Dagnall is subject to additional planning parameters to Edlesborough and Northall, WHY?
A: Lies within Metropolitan Green Belt and within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Q: Where in Dagnall would you find ‘Lucy's Lane'?
A: Up Studham Lane close to Zoo Gateway
Q: Dagnall currently has 2 public houses, there was a third called ‘The Bell', what is the name of this building today?
A: Bethshan
Q: Where in Dagnall would you have found the North Bucks Harriers Kennels in 1880?
A: On the Deans Meadow Housing Estate
Q: In what year was the Methodist Chapel opposite the school finally pulled down?
A: 1970
Q: Dagnall lies within the Chiltern Landscape which in 1065 was designated an AONB. What does AONB stand for?
A: Area of Ourstanding Natural Beauty

Edlesborough Carnival was a great success with many additional stalls this year. Once again the Parish Council asked the children of both Dagnall and Edlesborough Schools to enter a painting competition depicting ‘What they would like to see in our Village'. The winners were Jessica Osborn (4-5 year category) Charlotte Ketteridge (6-7 year category) and Charlotte Nilsen (8-9 year category. Well done to all who entered. A further Quiz was completed by visitors to the Parish Council stall, the outright winner being Mrs. C. Hayden who was presented with a bottle of Champagne.

Questions and answers to the Edlesborough quiz follow:

Q: Name at least one councillor
A: Representing Edlesborough Ward: John Wilkinson, David Brown, Steve Munday, Mrs. Marily Prys-Jones, Mrs. Julie Ratheram. Representing Dagnall Ward: Mrs. Anne Thompson, (Chairman), Mrs. Karen Coppen. Representing Northall Ward: Kevin Cubbage, Phil Conacher
Q: How many villages are there in Edlesborough Parish? (Name them)
A: Edlesborough, Dagnall and Northall
Q: How many dog bins are there on The Green?
A: 8
Q: What kind of tree is behind the tennis court on Edlesborough Green?
A: Walnut Tree
Q: What year was ‘Janes' established?
A: 1891
Q: How many allotment sites are there in the Parish?
A: 4
Q: Where are the allotment sites in the Parish?
A: The Green and Cow Lane, Edlesborough, Main Road South Dagnall, Leighton Road, Northall
Q: What is the name of the river separating Eaton Bray from Edlesborough?
A: River Ouzel
Q: How many Churches are there in Edlesborough?
A: 3
Q: How and when was the Tower at St. Mary's Edlesborough badly damaged?
A: It was damaged by a lightening strike in 1828
Q: How many named ‘Lanes' are there in Edlesborough?
A: 2 – Cow Lane and Slicketts Lane
Q: What is the name of the Pub in Northall?
A: The Swan
Q: What is the name of our Parish Clerk?
A: Lin Sargeant
Q: When and where does the Parish Council meet?
A: Every third Thursday in the month, except August, in Edlesborough Memorial Hall
Q: What is the total population of the Parish?
A: Approximiately 2,750
Q: Where is the Parish Cemetery located?
A: On the south side of St. Mary The Virgin Church, Church End, Edlesborough
Q: What is the address of the Parish web site?
Q: Who is responsible for Street Lighting repairs in the Parish?
A: EPC (Edlesborough Parish Council)

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.

Focus - August/September 2006 was published on August 1, 2006