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Northall Village Hall Online Booking Form

Please be assured that your personal information will be treated securely and responsibly and will never be disclosed to anyone outside the Northall Village Trust. After our financial accounts have been audited each year, your booking form will be destroyed.

This is an online booking form.  After completion, you will be able to transmit it directly to the Northall Village Hall Booking's Secretary and print or save a copy for your records.  You will also see our Bank details to enable you to pay by electronic transfer.

(tip: please save a copy of the Booking Form you submit - it's surprising how often Hirers forget their booking details!!).  When you are asked to confirm the summary of your booking there will be a button for you to save a .pdf copy)

Please pay immediately as your booking cannot be confirmed and held until all the hiring fees - including the £50.00 Refundable Payment against Damage - have been paid in full.


Pre-Booking Confirmation