Contact Details

Ms Penny Pataky, Hall Manager
Phone Number
01525 229 358
[email protected]

Booking Form

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Fill in the online booking form



Edlesborough Memorial Hall

Edlesborough Memorial Hall

PLEASE READ the pdf's on this page which we will answer all your questions about the hall. 

Once you have reviewed the information in the PDF's and you feel that EMH is suitable for your function please contact the Manager, Penny Pataky with the following information:

  • Date(s) you wish to hire the hall
  • Purpose of hiring
  • Approximate number of users/guests
  • Your contact information

Via [email protected] or 01525 229358

Please use the hand sanitizer provided and follow the Leave As You Wish To Find guidance at the end of your booking.


Ad hoc commercial & private hire £17.45 per hour

Local resident (Edlesborough, Dagnall and Northall) users

£10.55 per hour

All bookings require a refundable deposit in addition to the hire fee.

Hall capacity: 80 people (maximum)

Please note:

* we do not do viewings of the hall

* Please note bookings will not be confirmed until the booking form, hire fee and deposit have been received.